Using our core values as the filter for establishing new activities, SCA strives to have a place to belong for every single student. Students have multiple venues to learn leadership and service, and our advising process regularly helps students familiarize themselves with activities that will supplement their personal life goals and interests. Partnering with the home and the church, SCA’s extracurricular and cocurricular activities advance skills and provide heart-to-heart connections.

Prayer Team
Senior Mission Trip
Spiritual Climate Committee
Worship Team
Worship Band
Girls’ State
Boys’ State
Math Corner
Writer's Corner
Small Group Leaders
Youth Court
Elementary Tutors
Solemn Assembly
Christian Conferences
Student Ambassadors
Student Council
Homecoming/Winter Social/Prom (11th & 12th)
International Thespian Society
Community Service Week
Chess Club
Interact Service Club
Writing Fellows
Math Fellows
National Honor Society
National Art Honor Society
Academic Meets
Writers’ Conference
Scholar Bowl
Drum Line
Theater Performances (SCA Theatre Facebook)
National Forensics League
National Junior Forensics League
Art Competitions
Junior High Washington, D.C. trip
Choral Performances (SCA Choirs Facebook)
Junior-Senior Ensemble
Improv Night
Poetry Slam
International Buddies
SOAR Student Diversity Committee
International Education Week
International Experience
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