Chapel Services
Our weekly chapel services are an integral part of the school’s total program.
SCA is committed to proclaiming God's Word through weekly services and to transforming lives through the work of the Holy Spirit. Chapel is a time where the student body comes together to corporately worship God. Our weekly chapel services are an integral part of the school and provide an opportunity for the expression of individual and corporate worship and praise to God through prayer, singing, testimonies, special music, and teaching from the Word.
Chapel services are designed to minister to the student body and to encourage personal growth, commitment, and service to our Lord. Visiting pastors, guest speakers, musical groups, drama groups, faculty, and students share throughout the school year. During our salvation emphasis weeks, opportunity is given for students to accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord of their life. Parents are always welcome to attend chapel services.
Early Education Chapel Schedule
Chapel for Early Ed students is held every Wednesday from 9-9:30 a.m.
Elementary Chapel Schedule
Elementary Chapel is every Thursday in the Elementary Commons
Kindergarten through 3rd grade meet from 9-9:30 a.m.
4th-6th grade meet from 8:25-8:55 a.m.
Secondary Chapel Schedule
Secondary chapel is every other week on Tuesdays from 10:40-11:25 a.m. Students have small group/Bible studies every other week.
A goal for our high school chapel services is to give students opportunities to lead. This may be in the area of worship through music or dramas, teaching or preaching, leading small groups, or prayer.
Check with the secondary office for location on the day you plan to attend.

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