
Varsity Volleyball Highlights 2022

With approximately 100 girls competing in grades 5-12 at SCA, volleyball continues to be one of SCA's leading programs. The program, led by Varsity Head Coach and SCA Alumnus Kara Totzke, is calling the girls to "Step Up" as they focus on the gifts that God has given them. This focus is based on 1 Peter 4:10-11, "God has given each of you a gift from His great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another... Then everything you do will bring glory to God through Jesus Christ. All glory and power to him forever and ever! Amen.” #WeAreTheFutureSCA #catchthescaspirit #SCA #SCAEagles #sca2223

Varsity Boys Soccer Team Highlights 2022

The Summit Christian Academy Varsity Boys Soccer, led by head coach Brad Creason, currently enjoys a successful 10-3 season as they focus on playing for "we" and not "me." The team's goal this year is to honor God with their play and actions both on and off the field. In the 09/29/22 Missouri Class 1 Power Rankings, the team came in at #2 in the state! Finish strong, gentlemen! #WeAreTheFutureSCA #catchthescaspirit #SCA #SCAEagles #SCA2223

Varsity Softball Team Highlights 2022

The Summit Christian Academy Softball team continues to build a great program with 14 athletes enjoying a winning season and lots of strong young players coming up through elementary and junior high! They are led by Varsity Head Coach Tiffany Summitt. #WeareTheFutureSCA #catchthescaspirit #SCA #SCAEagles #SCA2223

Homecoming & Varsity Football Team Highlights October 2021

Summit Christian Academy Homecoming 2021! What an incredible time it was celebrating and learning stories of SCA's past, celebrating what God is doing today, and looking forward together to His plans for the future! The mission of SCA is to inspire students to achieve their God given potential through excellent academics and Christian training in a compassionate environment! It's a great time to be an SCA Eagle! SOAR SCA EAGLES SOAR! #SCAEagles #CatchtheSCASpirit #SCAHOCO21 #TheSCADifference #SCACalled2Serve21 #Called2ServeatSCA #SCACalledtoServe