(Lee’s Summit) – Summit Christian Academy (SCA) elementary students recently learned first-hand about our country’s great democracy as they participated in the entire voting and election process. Kindergarten through sixth grade students registered to vote and, on Tuesday, November 5, exercised their right to vote as an SCA citizen and cast their ballot for their favorite themed dress day to take place. Each student participated in voter registration, voter verification, voting, and delivery to the ballot box.
The democratic process was facilitated by SCA’s Student Environment of Arduous Study (STEWARDS) third through sixth grade students, who spent much time in advance learning and preparing for the civic process event. The STEWARDS class provided nominations for the ballot and voted on the final ballot to be proposed to the student body. STEWARDS students were each assigned stations to work as an “election official” as each elementary class had a scheduled time to visit the polls and cast their ballots. Absentee ballots were even created so that students that were away from school could cast their vote.
The school was divided into five electoral districts to mimic the electoral college. The final result was a total of 620 ballots cast and tallied, and the popular vote declared that the students received a Cozy Day later in the month (receiving 330 votes).
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