(Lee’s Summit) – Summit Christian Academy (SCA) fifth grade students recently brought a taste of Europe to Lee’s Summit as they hosted the annual European Fair. The event provides a fun and interactive way for SCA elementary students to explore European culture and cuisine.
As a part of their Europe unit in History class, fifth grade students selected countries to represent, and spent weeks researching, planning, and practicing. SCA second, third, and fourth grade students, parents, and visitors had the opportunity to tour Europe and receive cultural dishes and information about each country’s history, tourist attractions, and culture.
“The European Fair is an exciting day that is the highlight of the fifth grade Europe unit of study in history class,” shared SCA fifth grade teacher Mrs. Michelle Bacon. “The fifth grade students work for weeks researching their countries, planning their display boards, practicing their tours, and searching foods to prepare and traditional clothing to wear. Visitors are provided with engaging tours and delicious foods to sample from all over Europe. It is greatly anticipated for the students and visitors alike.”
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