Following are 2025-26 tuition and fees. Multiple child discounts are listed below. (For multiple child families, the oldest child is your first student.)
Half Day - $3,220
Full Day - $4,920
Half Day - $4,790
Full Day - $7,170
Half Day - $7,690
Full Day - $11,540
Half Day - $4,790
Full Day - $7,170
Half Day - $7,690
Full Day - $11,540
1st student - $12,920
2nd student - $11,890
3rd student - $10,850
4th student - $9,820
Curriculum Fees
per student - $275
1st student - $13,730
2nd student - $12,630
3rd student - $11,530
4th student - $10,430
Curriculum fees
per student - $325
1st student - $15,720
2nd student - $14,460
3rd student - $13,200
4th student - $11,950
Curriculum fees
per student - $375
For K-12, there is a non refundable $500 enrollment fee (per family, due upon acceptance).
The enrollment fee for K-12 families from covenant churches is a non refundable $300.
If early education only, the enrollment fee is a non refundable $250 ($125 for families from covenant churches).
There is a non refundable $125 application fee (per student).
Fees vary by sport.
SCA families are offered a number of tuition payment options. Tuition may be:
- paid in full in June;
- divided into two equal payments due in June and November;
- divided into four equal payments due in June, August, November, and January;
- paid over 10 months, June through March; or
- paid over 12 months, June through May.
If your plan consists of three or more payments, there is a one-time annual fee of $55.

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