Contact Rocco DeFelice
Testimonials About the International Program from Students, Parents, and Teachers
"We have been welcomed in a most comfortable way by SCA. I have been impressed by the infrastructure that addresses every aspect of the international student’s needs. As a family, SCA is part of our home." Eric, Switzerland, father of three students
"SCA is a great school that appreciates the diversity on its campus. You cannot walk through the hallways without running into someone who has a completely different background than you. SCA provides a safe environment where people are eager to learn about different cultures and where it is easy to interact with people who have unique stories. The time I spent at SCA is so valuable to me; I have so many great memories." Guy, South Korea, SCA graduate, Ph.D. in Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison
"I recommend SCA because it provides a high-quality, American-style education, which is crucial for an international student. Its open and friendly atmosphere enables international students to concentrate on their studies while living in a foreign country. I will never forget the days I spent in the play M*A*S*H. It was a new experience for me. Being able to play a role in the theater had always been my dream and it came true." Joe, China, SCA graduate
"I consider our International Program to be invaluable to accomplishing the history department goal of training students to appreciate, analyze, and understand themselves and other people groups through the lens of Scripture in order to enhance our students’ preparation to live in a world where careers may take them around the globe and people from around the globe may be their co-workers, neighbors, and mission." Mrs. Terry, SCA history teacher, University of Missouri adjunct professor
"The International Buddy program is awesome because it allows people who have never been out of the country to learn about another culture. I have loved getting to know Candy, my Buddy from China." Allison, SCA student Buddy
"I would recommend SCA because the atmosphere is amazing. The teachers and students are always supportive, helpful, friendly, and truly dedicated. That is something not often found." Mirjam, Germany
"SCA helped me blossom in remarkable ways. The cultural immersion opportunity is unparalleled. Academically, I took advantage of the college-level calculus class and accelerated my undergrad to graduate in three years. After school, I participated in the soccer team and the basketball team, forming deep bonds with my teammates. My host family supported me with incredible kindness throughout and helped me embrace the American culture -- they are my second home and lifetime friends. Last but not least, SCA is also where my faith journey truly flourished, providing me with a deep sense of purpose that continues to guide my life." Kim Jin, China
For more information about the International Program, email International Program Director Rocco DeFelice.
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