Chris Hahn
Spring has officially started, at least by the calendar. I do believe, the older I get, the faster the years seem to go. It was not always like that for me, especially as a student. As we enter the final lap of 2023-24, would you believe planning for next year has been underway for several months? I am excited about where and how God is working and moving, and specifically excited about the leaders I believe God has called and placed here to serve our community. I truly believe they are servants who are “All in for Him.” As we remain “All in,” my prayer and our theme for next year will be “Aspire Higher.” I am so proud and grateful for the work of our teachers, mentors, directors, coaches, assistants, and support teams. It is hard work. May we serve with purpose, passion, joy, aspiring higher, as “HIS mighty power works in us” (Colossians 1:29).