Grading Scale
Course % Points Honors/DC/AP Points
90-100 4.0 5.0
87-89 3.67 4.67
83-86 3.33 4.33
80-82 3.0 4.0
77-79 2.67 3.67
73-76 2.33 3.33
70-72 2.0 3.0
67-69 1.67 2.67
63-66 1.33 2.33
60-62 1.0 2.0
0-59 0 0
Missouri A+ Scholarship Program
SCA is an A+ School through the A+ Scholarship Program, which funds higher education to Missouri state schools.
Dual Credit and AP Equivalency Guide
SCA students have the opportunity to earn college credit while in high school. View the SCA Dual Credit and AP Equivalency Guide for colleges and universities around the country.
It is a STANDARDIZED TEST that provides firsthand practice for the SAT.
It also gives students a chance to enter NMSC (National Merit Scholarship Competition) and gain access to college and career planning tools. The most common reasons for taking the PSAT/NMSQT
- Receive feedback on your strengths and weaknesses on skills necessary for college study
- See how your performance on an admissions test might compare with that of others applying to college Enter the competition for scholarships from NMSC
- Help prepare for the SAT
- Receive information from colleges when you click yes to Student Search Service.
Summit Christian Academy administers the PSAT/NMSQT each year to the Juniors.
- Critical reading skills
- Math problem-solving skills
- Writing skills
- Two 25 –minute critical reading sections
- Two 25-minute math sections
- One 30-minute writing skills section
The College Board provides an Official Student Guide to the PSAT/NMSQT to the guidance office at SCA. This guide has three main sections: test-taking help, information about National Merit Scholarship Corporation Scholarship Competitions, and a full length practice test. If you sign up to take the workshop, you will examine and discuss the Official Student Guide and complete the full-length practice test.
For complete information on how to prepare for the PSAT, access this website
Everything you need to know about the ACT test can be found on
SCA is a testing site for the ACT. To view the next testing date and to register please visit:

Resources for Scholarships
- Scholarship Opportunities for Seniors
- SCA College Partnership Tuition Discounts
- Get matched for scholarships using
- Search for scholarships, colleges, and financial aid resources using
College and University Search
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Use the contact form to request an appointment with College and Career Advisor Shaun Pfannenstiel or call 816-525-1480 for an appointment.
Click to download a Transcript Request Form.
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