Watch D.O.G.S.
Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students) is the safe school initiative of the National Center for Fathering that involves fathers and father figures in order to provide positive male role models for students and enhance school security.
The school partners with fathers in allowing a half, whole, or even multiple days in a year to engage with their child and their child's peers. During their day, dads monitor the car line, assist in the classroom when needed with things like Bible verses, homework, flashcards, and spelling, and they get to have lunch and recess with their student! They also monitor the lunch room and walk the building perimeter ensuring student safety.
The best part is Dad gets to be a hero to his student for the day! Every child looks forward to the day his/her dad, grandpa, or uncle is the “D.O.G.”
Call (816) 525-1480 if you have questions about the Watch D.O.G.S. program. If you would like to sign up for the program, complete the online registration form below. This registration form is for fathers and father figures of current SCA students only. After submitting the form, a background check will be conducted and you will be notified by email when complete. Please allow 2-3 days for the registration to be processed.
For current Watch D.O.G.S., if you would like to schedule a day or two to be a Watch D.O.G. at SCA, please send an e-mail to Watch D.O.G.S. Thank you for volunteering at SCA!
Complete this WATCH D.O.G.S. application form through Google.
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