Instrumental and Vocal Music
The music department is committed to the development of each individual student in the areas of technique, music theory and appreciation, worship, and performance. Our classes are designed to encourage exploration and participation in each of these areas using a variety of activities. Each year, the music department prepares concerts and programs where the students have an opportunity to perform for family and friends and to showcase the talents God has given them. These performances are an integral part of each students' music education.
In elementary music, a variety of music teaching techniques are used which incorporate Kodaly and Orff music methods. These techniques focus on singing, rhythm/pitch reading, movement, and instrument playing. You will often see music students participating in an interactive learning setting with technology and exploring music in different cultures and genres. Students have several opportunities to perform as well as expand their musical experiences through attending a plethora of professional music events throughout their elementary years. Our young musicians are grounded in the Word of God through music pieces chosen as well as exploring what scripture says about the importance of praising and worshipping God. Students are encouraged to seek out the musical gifts God has given them to be grown and be used for His honor and glory.
In the spring, 4th-6th grade students have the opportunity to participate in the ACSI Music Festival. Adjudication is available for piano, vocal, and instrumental students. Solos, ensembles, honors choir, and beginning and intermediate bands will represent our school at this event. Emphasis is placed on sharing God-given abilities rather than competing against others.
The Junior High music department participates in various instrumental and choral competitions and festivals during the Spring semester. Students in Junior High may take courses in Band, Choir, or Orchestra.
The High School music department is an active member of Missouri State High School Activities Association as well as the Crossroads Conference. Our music students compete and participate in all evaluative music events and festivals. Students involved in the High School music department may take courses in Allegro Strings, Symphonic Orchestra, High School Choir, Concert Chorale, Junior/Senior Ensemble (Chamber Choir), and Introductory/Intermediate Worship Arts.
The Drum Line program is open to 7th-12th grade students who have a desire to play percussion, a willingness to practice, the ability to keep a beat, and a Christlike attitude. Students will be taught technique on how to both practice and play, as well as how to read drum music. Rehearsals will be before school two times a week. Students are required to also practice at home. The Drum Line will perform at some athletic events, pep rallies, and Grandparents’ Day.

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