Fine Arts

Opportunities in the arts are offered to students in elementary, junior high, and senior high.

Elementary students attend weekly music and art classes as a part of their regular curriculum. Beginning in 5th grade, students have the option to join choir, band, or strings as an extracurricular activity, and participate in ACSI competition. Art students in grades K-6 can join an extracurricular art club and have the opportunity for artwork to be submitted to ACSI competition.

Secondary students participating in fine arts at SCA may develop their talents in music, theatre, and visual arts through an abundance of opportunities. Members of MSHSAA and the Crossroads Conference, choral and instrumental students perform while consistently receiving the highest ratings at both district and state levels. The theatre department participates in the International Thespian Society and KC Cappies while receiving numerous awards and nominations. Visual arts students have earned top honors in a variety of competitions. 

Visual Art

art students painting


Brigadoon musical


orchestra student

Speech & Debate

seniors at NSDA Nationals

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