High School
Interact Club
Sponsor: Ruth Terry (ruthterry@sca-kc.org)
Interact Club is a 7th through 12th grade club that meets twice a month and is sponsored by our local Lee’s Summit Noon Rotary Club. Interact is a service club that identifies ways students can serve others both locally and internationally. The main tenets of Rotary are based upon The Four-Way Test. As an SCA school sponsored club, we have taken the Four-Way Test and aligned it to what God says in His Word. Is it the Truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build good will and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

International Buddies
Sponsor: Rocco DeFelice (rdefelice@sca-kc.org)
SCA welcomes international students every year and we are blessed to have them enrich our classes, teach us about their cultures and help provide a global perspective to our school. If you would like to be the “go to” friend for an international student, then consider being a Buddy. This is not just a friendship but a commitment to support the international buddy in various ways and to pray for them.
Junior High (Grades 7-8)
Interact Club
Sponsor: Cassie Puckett (cassiepuckett@sca-kc.org)
Interact Club is a 7th through 12th grade club that meets twice a month and is sponsored by our local Lee’s Summit Noon Rotary Club. Interact is a service club that identifies ways students can serve others both locally and internationally. The main tenets of Rotary are based upon The Four-Way Test. As an SCA school sponsored club, we have taken the Four-Way Test and aligned it to what God says in His Word. Is it the Truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build good will and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
International Buddies
Sponsor: Rocco DeFelice (rdefelice@sca-kc.org)
SCA welcomes international students every year and we are blessed to have them enrich our classes, teach us about their cultures and help provide a global perspective to our school. If you would like to be the “go to” friend for an international student, then consider being a Buddy. This is not just a friendship but a commitment to support the international buddy in various ways and to pray for them.
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