Kara Bartow

Fourth Grade Teacher

Kara Bartow
  • Education
  • B.A. in Elementary Education
    B.A. in Early Childhood Education

    Southwestern College
  • Certification
  • Early Childhood Education
    Elementary Education

Mrs. Bartow joined the SCA faculty in 2024. She has been teaching for 17 years, including 10 in public school (four of those in fourth grade) and most recently in preschool.

She is married to Rich and they have four boys. Adam is in college at NWMSU, and Christian, Isaac, and Eli all attend SCA. They love sports and having fun as a family, and you can usually find them on a soccer field or basketball court.

  • Favorite Scripture
  • "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33

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