Jennifer Pinkston

Beginning Band Director and Elementary Chapel Tech

Jennifer Pinkston
  • Education
  • Bachelor's of Music Education
    University of Central Missouri
  • Certification
  • ACSI
    Missouri State K-12 Vocal and Instrumental Music

Mrs. Jennifer Pinkston has taught with SCA from the founding of the school in the fall of 1989. Her teaching positions have included K-7 General Music, 5-12 Instrumental Music, JH/ HS worship teams, and Elementary Physical Education. She coordinated the formation of SCA’s Virtuosity! private instruction program in 2011 and continues as a Virtuosity! instructor.

"My desire is to instill in students a love and appreciation for the gift of music and to encourage development of their God-given musical talents in an effort to prepare them for a life of worship and ministry."

  • Favorite Scripture
  • "Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." Psalm 46:10

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